In Hyperline, the subscription model is the link between products (or a plan) and a customer.

Subscriptions can be created via the customer page on the product by an Hyperline user, or orchestrated via the technical API.

Subscriptions lifecycle

A customer can have one or multiple subscriptions running at the same time. These subscriptions can be active, scheduled to start in the future, or started and scheduled to be cancelled. Our flexible subscription model makes it easy to bill products with a different payment schedule and renewal logic, as well as make changes.

Hyperline provides the ability to set a commitment period, which may differ from the billing interval of the products it encompasses. Furthermore, the billing intervals can also vary between different products.

Example đź’ˇ

Depict intricate scenarios, such as a situation where a customer subscribes annually (annual commitment) but pays for a product based on monthly usage, along with an add-on with a fixed price paid on a quarterly basis.

When a subscription is created, its DEFAULT status is pending and it can be activated:

  • automatically at the scheduled start date
  • when a customer signs the quote
  • when a new customer completes the checkout
  • manually in the interface or with the API

Once a subscription is active, it will be shown with a live green tag.

A subscription will automatically be invoiced following the schedule described below once it’s active.

If you need to pause invoicing, you can pause the subscription directly in the interface using the “Pause payment collection” option.

For more details on how to manage your subscriptions please see this page.

Subscription status

Here is a description of each subscription status:

  • pending The subscription has been created and won’t be charged until it is activated using one of the options described above.
  • active The subscription is running and will be invoiced at the next payment date.
  • cancelled The subscription has been canceled from an active state.
  • voided The subscription has been voided directly from the pending state.
  • paused The subscription’s payment collection is paused.
  • errored We attempted 4 times (3 retries) and failed to charge a subscription’s invoice, see Handling payment errors. Here, we consider the subscription as inactive (as the customer failed to pay you) meaning that we won’t invoice the customer in the future nor collect payment. You can choose to reactivate it manually.

When is a subscription billed?

Hyperline lets you decide if each product is billed at the start or a the end of the billing period independently. Usage-based product will always be billed at the end of the period, depending on the final consumption.

Example đź’ˇ

Create a yearly subscription with a flat fee billed at the start of the period, and add-ons billed at the end of each quarter.

Products charged only once

When creating a subscription, you can assign products billed only once. This is useful for charging implementation or onboarding fees. You can also choose to bill these products at the start or end of the period. When billed, they will be detached from future invoicing.