Hyperline offers a way to represent credits for each of your customers and provides a dedicated credit product type for this. It can represent any granted quota relevant to your business.

This allows you to easily implement a pre-built ledger, enabling your customers to pay upfront, consume, and purchase new credits as needed.


To configure credits, you will need to have connected events first so usage data can be detected.

Create a credit product

To get started with credits, you should create a credit product first in your catalog, where you will specify the events that rule the consumption. Usage of credits will be deducted automatically accordingly.


Select create new, product and choose the credit product


Product configuration

You can set a limit to warn of a low balance and set-up which event will consume credits on the customer’s balance.


Pricing configuration

For credits, the pricing type is bundle pricing, a given price for a number of credits. You can also choose to display different purchase options on the customer’s portal.

Set up credits on a customer

Once your credit product is set up, you can enable a credit balance on your customer and link their credit usage immediately. Note that this can also be done via the API.


On the customer's details page, go to the “Credits” tab and click on “Add credit balance”


Credit balance form

Here, you can also change the name, choose the starting balance, and set the credit warning limit. This won’t override the values previously set in your product catalog, but will be specific to the customer.


Once the balance is created, you will be able to see the most recent consumption by your customer. Additionally, you can manually top up or retain usage via the interface if desired.

Add credit products in plan and subscription

Credit products created in the product catalog can be added to predefined billing plans and subscriptions like any other product.

Options for this product can also be changed at the customer/subscription level, allowing full customization without altering your catalog configuration.