General configuration

Company information

You will be asked to fill up the following information about your company:

  1. Your company’s trade name (the name used to conduct your business)
  2. The company’s email address (for invoicing inquiries)

Brand identity

You can also brand your invoices with one color and your company’s logo. We provide you with a real time preview on the right of the screen so you can see how your changes are affecting your invoices design.

Billing information

This section impacts the footer of the invoices. You can add here:

  1. Your company’s VAT number (make sure the number is valid. A warning icon will appear if it is not)
  2. The company’s legal name (that can be different from the trade’s name)
  3. The company’s address

The company’s country cannot be changed as it determines your accounting currency.

When you’re done you can click on Save changes.


This is done in the Payment section. To get started with Hyperline, you will need to provide means of payments (connecting with your PSPs and/or adding bank accounts) and choose which payment methods you want to accept from your customers.

Connect your Payment Service Provider

Hyperline currently supports three major Payment Service Provider: Stripe, Mollie and GoCardless. If you already have an account with one of those, you can connect it in one click without any technical requirement (no API key, no webhook to connect, etc.).

  1. Click on the Connect button for the PSP of your choice. This will redirect you to the PSP login page.
  2. Enter your account credentials and click on Continue.
  1. Once the process is completed, you will see the PSP status change to Active in Hyperline.

When connected, we will automatically orchestrate your account for you (create, update, refund).

Add your bank accounts

If you intend to accept bank transfers from your customers, you can add one (or several) bank account(s) by clicking on Add a bank account. This is the account that will be indicated on your invoices depending on the currency of the invoice when your customers decide to pay by bank transfer.

  1. Fill-up the country, currency and name of your bank
  2. Select the bank account format and enter the details
  3. Click on Add bank account.

You will see your account appear in the list. You can delete it anytime by clicking the three-dot menu, and Delete. Deleting your bank account information will disable (if you had only one) the bank transfer payment method until you add a new bank account.

You can add a bank account with various formats to accommodate different countries and currencies. These formats include:

  1. IBAN / BIC/Swift (for countries in the SEPA area, primarily European)
  2. Account Number / (Ach) Routing Number (US - USD)
  3. Sort code / Account Number (UK - GBP)
  4. Account Number / BIC/Swift (all other cases)

Invoices will display the correct format when customers opt to make payments via bank transfer.

Don’t forget to enable payments by bank transfer (last option on the page) to allow your customers to send payments that way.

Configure payment methods

Now that everything is configured, you can choose in this section which payment methods you want to accept from your customers. You can choose between accepting:

  • Debit or credit cards payments
  • Direct debit (SEPA for European bank accounts, ACH for US bank accounts, Bacs for UK bank accounts) payments
  • Bank transfer (offline transactions)

When enabling bank transfer payments, your customers will receive your bank account information and will wire transfer the amount due for their subscription or one-time payment. As bank transfers are offline, you will have to manually reconcile them by marking them as paid on your Hyperline interface. See our page Transaction and reconciliation on how to proceed.