Flexibility and customization are key aspects we aim to provide in Hyperline. To achieve this, we allow you to define custom properties so that you can represent and store all the extra data you need.

Custom properties can be defined and associated with customer, product, plan, and subscription entities. Furthermore, values are structured with a range of types including text, number, boolean, date, and a select list of predefined values.

Use cases

Custom properties provide a wide range of possibilities. For example, they can be used to represent additional fields for your customers, integrate extra billing details into your plans, assist in entitlement and feature flagging by representing features activatable on specific products or subscriptions. These are just examples, and they can be customized to meet any specific needs based on your use case.

Create a custom property


Navigate to Settings then Custom properties


Click on New custom property


Fill the form

You will ask to enter a name, a slug (a unique identifier mainly used for technical integration using the API), the property type, and the entities on which the custom property will be available.

Additionally, you can decide to activate this custom property only for technical purpose, meaning that it won’t appear in the Hyperline’s interface but will only be available through the API. When this option is untoggled, the field is both accessible in the interface and the API.

Managing custom property values

When created, the custom property can be found of the related entity in the interface.

On the customer, the custom properties appear in the bottom of the information panel on the customer details page.

For products and plans, they will appear in a dedicated box on the product/plan in the ‘Advanced settings’ section.

For subscription, you can set the value in the second step of the subscription assignation flow.

Using the API

You can create, retrieve and manage custom properties using the API.

Additionally, you can retrieve the values using the custom_properties field when fetching a customer, product, plan.

How this differ from the properties field on customer and subscription

The properties field was introduced in the initial step, but it lacks structure (e.g., it is not named or typed) and is not manageable through the interface for non-technical users.

While this field can still be utilized to store unstructured technical details on those entities, we recommend using custom properties when possible to ensure safety and better manageability.