Use cases for wallets

Wallets allows you and your customers to pre-pay funds to be automatically used by Hyperline’s system when paying invoices. This feature is particularly useful when you want to set up upfront payments in pay-as-you-go flows, or offer free funds to your customers.

There are 2 main concepts when starting with wallets in Hyperline:

  • Wallet settings: configured at your account level and shared for all your customers
  • Wallet: configured at your customer level and unique to the customer

In Hyperline, a wallet contains money in the currency of your customer.

A wallet cannot have a negative balance.


If your customers are paying depending on their use of your services, you can provide them with a wallet so they have an upfront payment solution.


One API call costs your customer 1 cent. If you activate the wallet, your customer will be able to top up their wallet in advance. They can then pay upfront for as much as they want and use your services until their wallet balance runs out.

Free top-up

You might want to offer funds to your customers at no additional cost. Wallets allow you to do so by doing a free top-up so that your customers will have less to pay on their next invoice.

Free top-ups can only be made by Hyperline’s users and from our API.

Managing zero balances

If you allow your customers to top-up their wallets, we recommend you think about a flow to warn them before their wallet balance reaches 0. This is especially relevant if reaching a nil balance interrupts their services.

You can use our webhooks to monitor wallets activity.


Wallets are configured in the Settings page, in the Wallets section.

Allow free top-up

This option allows you to add funds directly to your customer’s wallets at no additional cost. Activate this option if you’d like to enable them.

Allow users to buy top-up from the portal

You can choose to enable this option in the wallet settings.

Then, users will be able to add funds with their current payment method directly in their portal.

Create a wallet for a customer

Now that you have enabled wallets in the settings page, you will be able to create wallets for your customers from Hyperline.

To do so, go to Hyperline main menu, in the Customers section.

Navigate to the Wallet tab, and click on Create wallet.

Manage wallets

Once you have created a wallet, you can come back to it anytime to Top-up or Pause the wallet payment if you need to. Those are done through the wallet Action menu.

Using the API

You can also decide to manage wallets using the Hyperline API. Visit our API reference documentation for more details.