Quote templates
Learn how to configure quote templates
To simplify the quote creation process, Hyperline offers a feature to create templates, allowing you to pre-configure quote details.
Create templates
Only Admin users are able to create and manage quote templates.
Go to the Quoting section, then Templates
Click on the ‘New template’ button.
Choose a name
Choose a name and optionally a description to easily identify your template.
Configure the quote
You can find all the details available in the create quote flow.
Pre-select the required values, texts, and attachments so they are prefilled when using the template when creating a quote later.
Save the template
Subscription plan
In quote templates, plans representing the subscription details are used. When creating a quote from a template, the plan details (contract details, products, prices, invoices settings, etc) will be used to configure the final quote subscription.
More details in the manage plans page.
Using a template
In the quote creation form, you are able to select a template from the gallery or start the quote configuration from scratch.
For each template, Hyperline highlights the number of quotes using the template and the related total estimated value.