When using cards or direct debits, payment collection is fully automated with customer’s payment method charged by Hyperline without any manual operation from either party. However, receiving payments on time from your customers paying via bank transfer can be more challenging, often requiring you to manually remind your customers about due invoices and missing payments.

Hyperline offers a complete invoice reminders module, allowing you to schedule email reminders before, on, or after the due date with fully customizable sequences, messaging, and cohorts. This enables you to tailor your wording and email frequency based on your own criteria, automating your payment reminders and dunning process, thereby eliminating any tedious manual actions.

By default, we create a default sequence (with English wordings) for all new accounts with the setup described in the following image.

Configuring a reminder sequence

To create a new reminder sequence:


Go to the 'Invoices > Reminders' page


Click on '+ New sequence'


Fill the required details

Add a name, choose a language, and add at least one email.


Click on `Save changes`

Cohort settings

When creating a sequence, it’s necessary to configure a cohort. A cohort is defined by a set of criteria that your customers must meet for the reminder sequence to be used for outstanding invoices. Only customers paying by bank transfer are considered.

By default, you have the option to select a specific language that your customers should match to be part of the cohort. Additionally, we offer an ‘All’ option, which allows matching with all customers regardless of their language preference.

For added flexibility, you can configure custom properties on your customer entity. This enables you to base your reminder sequence cohort on specific values within these custom properties, allowing for a more tailored approach to managing invoice reminders.

Customize the emails

When adding an email to your reminder sequence, you can configure the trigger based on a number of days before, on, or after the invoice due date. Your can also configure the email subject and body with your own content.

The PDF invoice will be automatically attached in all email reminder sent.

To preview the email, you can use the ‘Send test email’ button.

Opt-out a customer from reminders

To exclude a specific customer from reminder sequences, you can switch off the ‘Invoice email reminders’ setting on your customer: go to the Customers page > Click on the customer > ‘Edit’ link > Switch off the ‘Invoice email reminders’.

Track emails sent

When an email reminder is sent for a specific invoice, a corresponding history log in added to the invoice (invoice details page).

As for other emails, we provide delivery, open, and read status for complete traceability.