Get subscription phase
Retrieve the details of a phase for an existing subscription.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Subscription phase ID.
Type of subscription phase.
: The phase represents a non-recurring service setup period, often used before the actual recurring subscription begins.trial
: The phase represents a non-recurring trial period, often used to allow users to opt out or experience a free test.standard
: The phase represents a standard recurring billing.
, trial
, standard
Status of subscription phase.
: The phase is waiting to start (not started yet).active
: The phase is currently in progress.finished
: The phase has ended and is complete.
, active
, finished
Order in which the phase is executed within all subscription phases.
Activation strategy of subscription phase.
: The phase starts as soon as the subscription is activated.manual
: The phase starts when a user manually activates it.start_date
: The phase starts on a specified date.quote_signature
: The phase starts when the subscription quote is signed.checkout
: The phase starts when the subscription checkout is completed.contract_start_date
: The phase starts on the start date of the related subscription contract.previous_phase_end
: The phase starts when the previous phase ends.
, manual
, start_date
, quote_signature
, checkout
, contract_start_date
, previous_phase_end
End strategy of subscription phase.
: The phase ends when a user manually stops it.end_date
: The phase ends on a specified date.duration
: The phase ends after a specific relative duration.contract_end_date
: The phase ends on the end date of the related subscription contract.
, end_date
, duration
, contract_end_date
Interval over which the subscription phase spans. Only applies to duration
end strategy.
{ "count": 1, "period": "years" }
Represents when the first billing date occurs.
: Aligns with the start of the phase.specific_date
: Occurs on a specified date.
, specific_date
Date when the subscription phase will start being billed. Only applies to specific_date
billing date setting. UTC date time string in the ISO 8601 format.
Actual start date of the phase. UTC date time string in the ISO 8601 format.
Actual end date of the phase. UTC date time string in the ISO 8601 format.
Calculation method used when transitioning from one phase to the next one.
: The prorated amount between the two phases relative to the end date (the transition date) must be paid.pay_in_full
: The full amount for the phase billing period must be paid.none
: No amount will need to be paid, phase will simply transition from one to the next.
, pay_in_full
, none
Represents when the transition amount will be invoiced.
: An invoice will be generated immediately with the corresponding amount.
Products comprising the subscription phase.
Coupons comprising the subscription phase.
Subscription phase creation date. UTC date time string in the ISO 8601 format.
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