July 3, 2024

  • Added /v1/organisations/{id} GET endpoint

  • Added /v1/organisations/{id} PATCH endpoint

  • Added Customer.organisation_id and Customer.organisation_invoicing on /v1/customers POST endpoint

  • Added Customer.organisation_id and Customer.organisation_invoicing on /v1/customers/{id} GET, PUT endpoints

  • Added Subscription.contract_start and Subscription.contract_end on /v2/subscriptions/* endpoints

  • Added Subscription.products[].attached_at and Subscription.products[].detached_at on /v2/subscriptions/* endpoints

  • Added /v1/subscriptions/{id}/reinstate POST endpoint

  • Added update_prices SubscriptionUpdate.type on /v1/subscriptions/{id}/update POST endpoint

  • Added /v1/subscriptions/{id}/update-many POST endpoint

  • Major Deprecation warning
    • Deprecating Subscription.starts_at in favor of Subscription.contract_start
  • Major Planned for August 1, 2024
    • Removing SubscriptionUpdate.payload.billing_item_ids in favor of SubscriptionUpdate.payload.product_ids for add_coupon update type
    • Removing add_item SubscriptionUpdate.type in favor of add_product
    • Removing remove_item SubscriptionUpdate.type in favor of remove_product

June 26, 2024

  • Added /v1/quotes POST endpoint
  • Added /v1/quotes/{id}/download GET endpoint
  • Added /v1/quotes/{id}/send POST endpoint
  • Added /v1/quotes/{id}/void POST endpoint

June 12, 2024

  • Add Customer.custom_properties on /v1/customers GET endpoint

May 27, 2024

  • Added /v1/quotes GET endpoint
  • Added /v1/quotes/{id} GET endpoint
  • Added /v1/quotes/{quoteId}/files/{id}/download GET endpoint

April 2, 2024

  • Major Removed deprecated subscription endpoints
    • Removed GET /v1/subscriptions in favor of GET /v2/subscriptions
    • Removed GET /v1/subscriptions/{id} in favor of GET /v2/subscriptions/{id}
    • Removed POST /v1/subscriptions in favor of POST /v2/subscriptions
    • Removed GET /v1/billing-plans/{id} in favor of GET /v1/plans/{id}
    • Removed GET /v1/billing-scenarios
    • Removed GET /v1/billing-scenarios/{id}

March 6, 2024

  • Added /v1/subscriptions/{id}/pause PUT endpoint
  • Added /v1/subscriptions/{id}/reactivate PUT endpoint
  • Added /v1/subscriptions/refresh POST endpoint

March 5, 2024

  • Added /v1/webhooks/endpoints GET, POST endpoints
  • Added /v1/webhooks/endpoints/{id} GET, PUT, DELETE endpoints

March 1, 2024

  • Major Removed unit concept on wallets (only money pocket) in favor of credit-type products to manage credit units.
    • Removed WalletBalance.units
    • Removed WalletSettings.unit_credit_prices
    • Removed WalletTransaction.units and WalletTransaction.transaction_id

February 28, 2024

  • Major Removed unique current customer subscription in favor of subscriptions array.
    • Removed Customer.current_subscription_id on /v1/customers GET endpoint
    • Removed Customer.current_subscription on /v1/customers/{id} GET endpoint

February 20, 2024

  • Added Customer.type on /v1/customers GET, POST and PUT endpoints
  • Added Customer.invoice_emails on /v1/customers GET, POST and PUT endpoints
  • Added Customer.vat_rate_custom on /v1/customers GET, POST and PUT endpoints
  • Added external option on Customer.payment_method_type on /v1/customers POST and PUT endpoints

February 16, 2024

  • Major Planned for April 1, 2024
    • Removing Customer.country in favor of Customer.billing_address.country
    • Removing GET /v1/subscriptions in favor of GET /v2/subscriptions
    • Removing GET /v1/subscriptions/{id} in favor of GET /v2/subscriptions/{id}
    • Removing POST /v1/subscriptions in favor of POST /v2/subscriptions
  • Major Planned for February 28, 2024
    • Removing Customer.current_subscription_id on /v1/customers GET endpoint in favor of Customer.subscriptions
    • Removing Customer.current_subscription on /v1/customers/{id} GET endpoint in favor of Customer.subscriptions