Custom tax rate

Hyperline now supports the creation of custom tax rates by invoicing entity. These rates can be applied to products in the catalog to customize the tax for each product. The complexity of multiple tax rates is managed across all flows, including checkout, portal, quotes, and invoices, making invoicing processes even easier.

Additionally, you can now configure external ‘Product code’ for each product in your catalog, which facilitates reconciliation between Hyperline products and those in external systems, such as accounting software.

Change invoice payment method

The payment method on draft invoices and invoices awaiting payment can now be changed. For example, you can easily switch from card to bank transfer or update the bank account on the invoice.

Invoices in 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇵🇱

Emitted documents (invoices, quotes, custom documents) from Hyperline are now available in three new languages: Spanish, Portuguese, and Polish. These additions complement the existing options of French, English, German, Italian, and Dutch.

Subscription pricing configuration

When assigning a subscription, we have simplified the process of adding and configuring products. You can now select any pricing setup from the product catalog and edit the configuration in a dedicated side panel. This provides greater flexibility when setting products to a subscription and allows for the selection of bundles for credit products.

Quotes export

Quotes can now be exported to CSV files for external use.