
If GoCardless is your preferred Payment Service Provider, integrating it with Hyperline is a straightforward process:

  1. Navigate to the menu and select Settings.
  2. Choose Payment from the options.
  3. Click on Connect for GoCardless.

This will direct you to the GoCardless login page, where you will need to enter your account credentials and click on Connect Account.

Once the process is complete, you will notice the GoCardless status change to ‘Active’ in the Payment tab.

Payment methods

Now that you have successfully activated your account, it will be automatically designated as the primary payment gateway for the following transaction types:

  • SEPA Direct Debit: GoCardless accepts payments in Europe and in UK.

Customer information

Each time you’ve successfully created and billed a customer in Hyperline, the corresponding customer profile and payment details are automatically generated in your GoCardless account.

If you want to double check you just have to on the Payments and Customers tabs on your Gocardless dashboard.

Example for two customers named Cu1 and Cu2 created and billed on Hyperline

If you already have a GoCardless account with existing customers and payment methods, you have the possibility to import them in Hyperline. It is particularly useful when you configure your account.

It is not possible to change your payment provider from Hyperline in autonomy. If you wish to do so, please contact support at the following address:

The account holder field is transliterated, upcased and trucated to 18 characters by GoCardless. This behaviour does not prevent payments to go through.

Refund conditions

Refunding payments via GoCardless is a user-friendly process, applicable for full or partial amounts through the dashboard or API.

A concise timeline outlines the steps, with refunds typically processed 7 days after the payment charge date, unless users choose to opt-out. Timely customer notifications and swift fund receipt—usually within one to two business days—characterize the process.

The significance of the default 7-day refund delay is underscored for refund safety. Payments via the bank debit network may not settle immediately, posing a risk of late failure payments.

It is strongly advised not to refund within 7 days to ensure sufficient settling time and minimize the potential for refunding unreceived funds. Users seeking more flexibility can opt-out of this default restriction, as explained in the official documentation, providing a balance between user control and risk management.